What if we told you that your skin concerns could be treated with something as ordinary as light? Not the kind that is in your living room lamp, but a powerful form of Intense Pulsed Light called Broad Band Light (BBL). By utilizing blue, yellow, and infrared light energy, a BBL Photofacial at Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine can be tailored to treat specific skin concerns on the face, neck, or even back.
What is a BBL Photofacial?
A BBL Photofacial is an innovative procedure designed to treat skin concerns related to aging, sun exposure, acne, and other conditions. By using controlled light energy on the top layers of your skin, Dr. Faiyaaz Kalimullah and Dr. Kevin Cavanaugh can tailor the treatment to your unique skin type and desired results.
The heat energy delivered by the laser device is absorbed into specifically targeted areas, stimulating collagen production which aids in resolving a variety of concerns related to the skin. Treatments typically last 15-30 minutes and are not painful.
What Can BBL Photofacials Treat?
BBL Photofacials can treat a variety of skin concerns on the face, neck, or back. Common reasons for treatment include:
Ageing Skin
As we age, our skin tends to become loose and sag in places that it did not used to. This loss of laxity can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and other unwanted signs of aging that are all diminishable with BBL Photofacial services. The light energy in the device stimulates the production of new collagen, leading to a firmer, smoother, and more youthful complexion.
Acne and Texture Concerns
Active acne, acne scars, as well as the potential for future breakouts can all be reduced thanks to the powerful Broad Band Light in BBL Photofacials. The light energy penetrates down to the sebaceous glands to reduce the amount of oil production as well as kill acne-causing bacteria. The collagen regeneration that is stimulated by the treatment helps to improve the appearance and texture of rough or scarred skin.
Areas of increased pigmentation on our skin can be distracting. These dark spots can be natural or caused by aging and overexposure to the sun. BBL Photofacial light waves can help to reduce the appearance of these age spots and sunspots, leading to a more even skin tone. Other skin irregularities like visible blood vessels, can also be treated and eliminated during a BBL Photofacial.
What Does a BBL Photofacial Feel Like?
Words like “high intensity”, “heat”, and “lasers” are tossed around a lot when it comes to describing the benefits and process of a BBL Photofacial, so it’s no wonder that the treatment may sound a little intimidating. While every patient has different comfort levels, BBL Photofacial is generally considered a painless procedure. A cold gel is applied to the treatment site to help counteract the heat from the laser. A mild feeling of heat, similar to the snap of a rubber band, can be felt, but that just means the BBL Photofacial is working its magic.
What to Expect after a BBL Photofacial
In addition to being a fast treatment, a BBL Photofacial requires very minimal downtime. After your treatment, special serums and SPF will be applied to the treatment site to help hydrate and protect the skin as it begins its healing and regeneration process. You may experience some mild sensitivity and pinkness on the skin, but this should go away within two days. You can also cover up with makeup or concealer during this time if it makes you more comfortable.
Areas of hyperpigmentation may appear darker after treatment but will gradually disappear as the skin flakes or fades over the next one to two weeks. Avoid touching the treatment site or exposing it to sunlight and extreme heat like hot tubs or saunas for at least 48 hours.
Schedule a Consultation
Are you ready to improve the texture, health, and overall feel of your skin? The highly skilled team at the Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine in Chicago, IL, is ready to help you get started on your journey toward youthful rejuvenated skin. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kalimullah or Dr. Cavanaugh today by visiting our website or calling CDAM at 312-767-5113.
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Whether you’re interested in medical dermatology needs or cosmetic treatments, the first step is contacting us to schedule an appointment!