Many men are concerned that cosmetic procedures may make them look more feminine. Our experienced board-certified dermatologists recognize and understand that a man’s facial structure and shape is fundamentally different than that of women, and will take this into account when creating your individualized treatment plan. Please call CDAM where we can discuss using Kybella, Sculptra, and Juvederm Voluma XC among other treatments, to meet your aesthetic needs.

Recommended Treatment Options:

At the Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine, we offer various non-surgical treatment options for men to improve their facial, jawline, and neck contours. Some recommended treatments may include:


If you are struggling with diet and exercise resistant fat under your chin, also known as submental fat or a double chin, Kybella is a minimally invasive approach to permanently destroy these unwanted fat cells for a more contoured neck and jawline. Restore your masculine jawline in just three to four sessions of Kybella.

Botox® & Dysport

After years of concentrating, squinting, and frowning, men start to notice expression lines and creases around their eyes, eyebrows, and forehead. For maintaining a more youthful appearance, CDAM offers Botox and Dysport to turn back time, relax these overworked facial muscles, and smooth out imperfections.

Dermal Fillers

At CDAM, we offer various dermal fillers to subtly improve the structure and contour of masculine features that have diminished due to aging, genetics, and environmental damage. Whether you are looking for a more defined jawline, or to correct sunken cheeks, dermal fillers offer a natural way to help you achieve a youthful, more masculine appearance. We offer a wide array of dermal fillers and our dermatologists will discuss these with you during your individualized consultation. The here are some of our most popular options for male patients:
Juvéderm Voluma XC
Sculptra Aesthetic